After losing millions of rupees due to his cricket betting addiction, the ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chasma’ fame actor took the path of crime to repay the loan and became a thief from the actor. After which he started chain snatching with his friend on the empty streets.
The actor, who has acted in the famous TV Serial ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chasma’, has been caught by the police in a case of snatching. This person’s name is Miraj, who has also acted in ‘Tarak Mehta ka Ulta Chashma‘. After losing millions of rupees due to cricket betting addiction, the actor resorted to crime to repay the loan and became a thief, after which he started chain snatching with his friend on the empty streets.
Miraj Vallabhdas Kapri and Vaibhav Babu Jadav have been arrested. Police have recovered 3 gold chains, 2 mobiles and a stolen bike from both of them. Goods worth Rs. 2 lakh 54 thousand have been recovered from both of them. The accused Vaibhav and Miraj are residents of Junagadh.